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Pastoral support

Pastoral support at Brigshaw High School

At Brigshaw High School, our mission is to provide a cradle to career education that allows our children to enjoy lives of choice and opportunity. By the age of 18, we want every child to have the option of university or a high-quality alternative.

At the very centre of Brigshaw school life stands a commitment to pastoral care. We are proud of our inclusive ethos that gives every child a chance of success. We believe that high-quality guidance and support are essential in helping young people become tolerant, confident, independent learners in today’s modern Britain. We want all of our students to flourish in all the other aspects of their school lives.

During their time at Brigshaw, each student belongs to a Year Team and a Form Group. Each Year Team is led by a Director of Year. The Director of Year has overall responsibility for all aspects of a student’s personal, social, and academic development. Our Directors of Year are supported by a Head of Year. These are supportive members of staff who are always on call to deal with day-to-day incidents and are an initial contact point for parents/carers.

Our form tutors have daily contact with students. At Brighshaw High School, the form tutor plays a crucial role in supporting students. They provide daily personalised guidance, monitor academic progress, and address social-emotional needs. As a trusted mentor, the form tutor ensures your child's well-being and success throughout their educational experience.

Pastoral Support - Key Staff

Year 7 Team

Director of Year – Ms C Hodgson

Head of Year – Mrs  P Wilcock (initial contact point for parents/carers)

Senior Leadership Team Link to Year 7 – Mrs E Wood, Assistant Headteacher

Year 8 Team

Director of Year – Mr T Holt

Head of Year – Miss D Siddall (initial contact point for parents/carers)

Senior Leadership Team Link to Year 8 – Ms J Hudson, Assistant Headteacher

Year 9 Team

Director of Year – Ms  J Andrews

Head of Year – Mr S Bibb (initial contact point for parents/carers)

Senior Leadership Team Link to Year 9 – Mr T Mitchell, Assistant Headteacher

Year 10 Team

Director of Year – Mr S Hunt

Head of Year – Miss C Moore (initial contact point for parents/carers)

Senior Leadership Team Link to Year 10 – Mr R Buckley, Assistant Headteacher

Year 11 Team

Director of Year – Mr A Lee

Head of Year – Ms R Armitage (initial contact point for parents/carers)

Senior Leadership Team Link to Post 16 – Mrs Draper, Assistant Headteacher

Post 16 Team

Director of Post 16 – Ms D Kinder

Head of Year – Mrs Cherry (initial contact point for parents/carers)

Senior Leadership Team Link to Post 16 – Mrs Falk, Assistant Headteacher

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Specialist Care

At any stage of their school career, young people may need specialist support to overcome obstacles to learning and progress. The Year Team can refer a student to our weekly Guidance and Support Team (GST) meeting. Here, referrals to a wide range of colleagues can be made. These can provide a variety of support and guidance for pupils and students, including work with Think For The Future, Leeds Faith in Schools, the Cluster Team, Councillors and mentors, members of our Inclusion Team, our attendance team, the child protection officer, careers advisors etc. We have excellent links with extended services and work closely with skilled professionals from other agencies. Please contact your child’s Year Team for any support they may need. 

Our local Cluster Team aims to identify those families, children, and young people most in need of help and to ensure they are offered the right intervention at the right time, by the right people as early as possible in the life of a problem. Clusters bring together universal, targeted, and specialist services for children and families in each local area, including schools, health services, Area Inclusion Partnerships, Early Start teams in children’s centres, police, social work, the third sector, and other relevant services such as housing. Contact your Year Team if you require any referrals to our Cluster.

Brigshaw High School Attendance Team
T. Mitchell
Assistant Headteacher, Safeguarding and Attendance
J. Hammond
Trust Attendance Lead
A. Henderson
Attendance Lead
K. Oswald
Attendance Officer

Reporting bullying

Brigshaw High School is a school built around the vales of Respect, Responsibility, Integrity and Equality. Bullying is not tolerated in our school in any way.

If you are aware of any bulling in school or outside of school, please see below information on how to report it to school. All allegations of bullying will be investigated.

Academic Support - Key Staff

If you have any questions about your child's learning or if they require further support, you should first speak to their class teacher. Additionally, you can contact the Curriculum Leader responsible for that subject area. The Curriculum Leaders are:

Art & DT - Ms Ma, Associate Assistant Headteacher

Computing -  Ms Ma, Associate Assistant Headteacher

Drama - Mrs Tyas (maternity cover).  Substantive is Mrs McLoughlin

History - Mr Bramley (Director of EBACC)

Geography - Miss Barrass

SENCO - Mrs E Wood

Maths - Miss Johnson  Director of Maths

English - Mr Crompton Director of English

Science - Mr Smith Director of Science

Music - Mrs Walker

MFL - Mrs Jefferson, Associate Assistant Headteacher

RE - Mr Mitchell, Assistant Headteacher

PE - Mrs J Smith

Key Documents

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