Trust Curriculum Intent
Our mission is to provide a cradle to career education that allows our children to enjoy lives of choice and opportunity. By the age of 18, we want every child to have the option of university or a high quality alternative.
Subject Curriculum Intent
As they progress through the curriculum students are equipped with increasingly developed knowledge and skills in order to confidently, safely and independently use computers, equipment and relevant software appropriately. We expertly guide our pupils through the central principles of computing; logic, algorithms, and writing computer programs. Pupils are supported and enabled to explore the capabilities of software, allowing them not only to expand their skills and knowledge, but also to gain confidence in the use of technology and build resilience to error. Our exciting curriculum has been designed to equip learners with the ability to think and converse using computational language, and gives opportunities for independent problem solving and cutting edge real world application
We aim for all our students at Brigshaw to embrace new technologies, be confident and informed users for life. By the end of KS3 pupils are able to have good digital literacy skills, handle and present data in a variety of ways for differing purposes and understand how to program using a variety of languages including Python and HTML. By the end of KS4, Imedia pupils are able to plan, create and evaluate a variety of MultiMedia products based upon modern client briefs. Computer Science students are able to use computational methods to solve a problem using high level languages and apply knowledge and understanding of computer systems to powerful real world problems.
Curriculum Principles
- Reverse Planning in Computing means that the ‘know how’ and ‘know that’ knowledge and understanding that is required by students at GCSE and A Level is embedded within our curriculum, it’s the end point in High School, so all lessons right from the very beginning of Year 7 builds towards it. The content, context and software applications used at KS4 and 5 have been included throughout the curriculum throughout KS3. Each topic/unit covered throughout KS3 increases the ‘know how’ and ‘know that’ understanding and builds on the skills used previously.
- Powerful Knowledge and understanding is developed in the computing curriculum, by encouraging students to improve their independence when using new software applications and build their resilience, in all topics and projects. This encourages our students to develop their transferable skills within our curriculum and into other curriculum areas.
- Cultural Capital This is developed within the Computing curriculum pupils develop morally through the encouragement of good etiquette when using digital technology including mobile devices and with due regard to e-safety. In computing, we encourage respect for other people's views and opinions as well as developing respect for the computer room and the equipment students’ use and how this affects others. In Computing, pupils are encouraged to model appropriate social behaviours in the classroom including listening whilst others are talking and generally interacting as a caring community. We also encourage good practice and respect in the use of social networking. Brigshaw students have the opportunity to use a wide range of application software and hardware - that are to industry standard - to give themthe full experience of the computing domain.
- Substantive (“Know That”) knowledge takes place through hands-on practical programming experience. Pupils are exposed to various programming languages from block based coding products to text based Integrated Development Environments. Using these different programming environments in conjunction with problem solving techniques (Computational Thinking) students can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and the need for data representation.
- Procedural and Disciplinary (“Know How”) this takes place through students embracing new technologies, becoming confident and informed users. Students are taught how to have good digital literacy skills, are able to handle and present data in a variety of ways for differing purposes and understand how to program using a variety of languages. As the computing curriculum covers a variety of different platforms and programs, our students are able to explore and use new programs with skill and expertise.
- Cognitive Psychology is developed in practical programming lessons through the use of clear, scaffolded tasks that depend upon expert modelling. Students are given simple code which allows them to solve simple problems, by repetition of similar simple problems pupils see the pattern involved in solving problems. They are then able to take the simple solutions and independently solve many complex problems using similar code. Computational Thinking theory is explored by ensuring pupils understand the key concepts of Decomposition, Abstraction, Pattern Recognition and Algorithmic Design, with these key concepts being repeated time and time again when trying to solve any problem or produce any piece of computer code.
What will this look like at implementation?
Please use the links below to explore how our curriculum looks, for each year group, as a result of these guiding principles
Core Computing
In line with the National Curriculum requirements, we cover Computing within the KS4 curriculum and within Personal Development session- for further details click here
How can you support students’ learning from home?
- By staying informed with changes in technology, and how to keep safe online
- Encourage creativity and exploration of new technologies, and Encourage your child to explore their interests within computing, such as coding, digital art, game design, or robotics.
- Encourage persistence and resilience: Help your child understand that computing often involves trial and error, and setbacks are opportunities for growth.
- Model digital literacy: be a positive role model by demonstrating good digital etiquette, responsible use of technology, and continuous learning and limit screen time.