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Medicine & Illness

Medical provision at Brighsaw High School

We have a dedicated first-aid and medical provision at Brigshaw High School. If your child has specific medical needs, receives regular treatment, or takes prescribed medication, please get in contact so that we can make suitable arrangements to ensure your child is safe and looked after in school. Plesae email office@brigshaw.com and a member of the medical team will be in contact.

If your child takes medication

If your child takes prescribed medication, please complete this form and return it to reception. If your child needs access to non-prescribed medication, please complete this form and return in to reception.

Please note all medication must be in their original box and packaging.

Hours Lost
Minutes Late Each Day
0 Days Lost
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19 Days Lost
95 Hours Lost
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28 Days Lost
140 Hours Lost
20 Minutes
14 Days Lost
38 Days Lost
190 Hours Lost
25 Minutes
17.5 Days Lost
46 Days Lost
230 Hours Lost
30 Minutes
21 Days Lost

If your child has asthma

If your child suffers from asthma, please complete this form and return to reception and speak to a member of the medical team.

If you give consent for the school to use an emergency inhaler if required, please complete this consent form and return to reception.

Brigshaw High School Attendance Team
T. Mitchell
Assistant Headteacher, Safeguarding and Attendance
J. Hammond
Trust Attendance Lead
A. Henderson
Attendance Lead
K. Oswald
Attendance Officer

If your child has an allergy

If your child has an allergy, please ensure you inform the school as as possible.

If you child requires it, and you give consent to the use of an EpiPen in the case of an emergency, please complete this consent form and return to reception.