Curriculum and assessment
Places still available for this September!

The Sixth Form Curriculum

Our curriculum is informed by the DfE guidance here. This guidance sets out our obligations and duties relating to the inclusive provision we offer at Brigshaw High School Sixth Form. In relation to study programmes, we will audit, review and plan our curriculum to achieve 'breadth and depth without limiting students’ options for future study or work'. We currently offer a variety of Applied General qualifications alongside A-Level qualifications and Tech level qualifications. Where A-Level courses are selected, students are expected to follow a minimum of 3 subjects or equivalent. Study hours, form tutor time, careers support and guidance and study skills support are also built into the study programmes.

Brigshaw High School Sixth Form recognises that all young people should have the opportunity to gain experience and knowledge within the workplace, so that employability skills can be developed. We strive to forge links with employers, businesses and, within our own Trust, we will develop students’ cultural capital knowledge so that they are ready for their next steps upon leaving us. 

Our subject options are structured to offer all students choice and opportunity within their study programme, alongside English & Maths resit courses where required. Work experience is an integral part of students’ provision and we also offer other enrichment opportunities such as the EPQ, Duke of Edinburgh award, becoming a member of the Student Leadership Team and engaging with our Trust schools. We firmly believe that our study programme builds character, skills, positive attitudes and self-esteem which in turn support achievement and success for our students. 

Each study programme consists of planned hours which are timetabled, supervised and delivered face to face within our provision. Study programmes must be full time and a minimum of 580 planned hours per academic year. For funding allocation, the DfE guidance states that full time study programmes should be on average 640 hours. Part time study programmes may be agreed, however, it should be noted that such arrangements can only be implemented in accordance with guidance and strict monitoring. We recognise that on occasions, subject content may be delivered remotely to students and will support students to access subject content when and wherever required.

We hope that our study programme offers all students a broad education which will enable them to move confidently and successfully towards their post 18 pathways. 

Key Stage 5 performance

% of grades A* - A
% of grades A* - B
% of grades A* - C
% of applied grades at Distinction* - Distinction
% of applied grades at Distinction* - Pass
Average Point Score (Academic)
Average Point Score (Applied)

Key Documents